Sustainability Structure
SCGP Corporate Governance Structure
SCGP has arranged its organization structure, responsible staffs, and corporate governance to be align with its business. We aim for monitor and create a systemic check and balance for effectiveness of good corporate governance, in addition to the creation of values and opportunities for sustainable growth. This is to ensure and provide confidence that SCGP has conducted its business with responsibility, transparency and fairness, while being a good role model for corporate governance and ethics.
The Board of Directors
Appoints the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Governance and Nomination Committee, to perform their duties in accordance with the Board of Directors’ assignment. The Board of Directors considers and approves policies and guidelines on corporate governance to ensure same consistent practices across the organization. The Board of Directors also monitors, evaluates the operations and annually reviews acceptable corporate governance practices at both national and international levels for proper business operations.
The Governance and Nomination Committee
Considers and makes recommendations on structure, corporate governance policies and guidelines to the Board of Directors for considerations, and strictly oversees the Board of directors and the Management Committee’s performances to ensure their compliances with SCGP’s corporate governance policy.
Sustainability Structure
SCGP considers risks and opportunities, needs and expectations of all stakeholders to obtain data for formulating sustainable business strategies, with a view to the balance of the three dimensions; economic, social and environment. We focus on developing solution to meet customers’ diverse and different needs, under the circular economy principles.
We sustainably preserve the environment and ecosystems, promote maximum safety in the workplace, and contribute to improving the quality of life and development of every community and society where we operate.