ESG Materiality Issues and Stakeholders

SCGP has 15 ESG materiality issues that involve 9 groups of Stakeholders which can be responded to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs)

Materiality Issues GRI Aspect Impact Boundary SDGs
Internal Sectors External Sectors
SCGP Employee Shareholder / Investor / Creditor Supplier / Contractor Customer Community Government Media Civil Society / Academic / Opinion Leader Competitor
Corporate Governance

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Good Ethics
  • Anti - Corruption
  • Complainants/Whistle Blower
  • Risk and Crisis Management

Capital Value

  • Ethics and Integrity Transparency
GRI 102 General Disclose (3 Ethic and Integrity, 4 Governance)
Health & Safety

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Employee Health - care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Adjust the way of working
  • Caring for Business Partners, Customers, and Communities

Capital Value

  • Health and Well-being of Employees, Business Partners,Customers, and Communities
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety*
Product and Service Stewardship

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Sustainable Product Development according to Sustainable Development guidelines
  • Product Development following Life Cycle Assessment guidelines.
  • Product Qualiity and Safety

Capital Value

  • Products with an ease of use, durable, safe and environmentally friendly.
  • Respond to the customers' and consumers' needs.
Customer Experience

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Develop technologies and solutions to meet customer needs
  • Comprehensive services
  • Communication with customers

Capital Value

  • Respond to customer and consumer needs
GRI 102 (5. Stakeholder Engagement)
Stakeholders Engagement

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Conduct and develop business under ESG guidelines
  • Stakeholder expectations and concerns
  • Communication with stakeholders

Capital Value

  • Confidence from stakeholders
GRI 102 (5. Stakeholder Engagement)
Circular Economy

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Co-operations with the supply chains
  • Product development following to the Circular Economy principles
  • Apply innovations following to the Circular Economy principles

Capital Value

  • Sustainable business operations following the Circular Economy principles
GRI 201: Economic Performance
Environmental Management

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Pollution management from business operations
  • Prevention of complaints from communities

Capital Value

  • Good environmental quality within the plants and surrounding communities
  • Sustainable coexistence with communities
GRI 305: Emission (305-7 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
Supply Chain Stewardship

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Sustainable sourcing operations
  • Developing employees and business partners to operate together in a sustainable manner

Capital Value

  • Actions with sustainable business partners
GRI 102-9 Supply Chain
Human Capital Development

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Employee development for knowledge and capabilities

Capital Value

  • Employees are knowledgeable, versatile, and work efficiently.
GRI 102 General Disclose (102-8 Information on employees and other workers)
GRI 404 Training and Education
Community Engagement and Development

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Community satisfaction
  • Community support for sustainability

Capital Value

  • Sustainable coexistence with communities
GRI 413: Local Communities
Water Stewardship

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Manage water efficiently and sustainably
  • Manage risks with global tools

Capital Value

  • Water efficiency
GRI 303: Water*
Climate Resilience

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Increase the share of alternative energy and renewable energy
  • Improve machinery efficiency
  • Develop products that emit less greenhouse gas
  • Create opportunities for trade competition
  • Use economic tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Planting forests to absorb greenhouse gases

Capital Value

  • Use energy efficiently
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business operations
GRI 305: Emissions
GRI 302: Energy
Human Rights

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Implementing international laws and practices
  • Comprehensive management of human rights risks

Capital Value

  • Improving the quality of life by creating sustainable shared values for Stake holders and Society
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment
Talent Attraction and Retention

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Build employee engagement
  • Human Resource Management - Adjustment

Capital Value

  • Be an organization of values and caring for employees
  • Employees are committed to the organization.
GRI 404: Training and Education
Forestry and Biodiversity

Scope of ESG Sustainability risks and opportunities

  • Sustainable biodiversity management
  • Sustainable forest management

Capital Value

  • Biodiversity and ecosystem conservation areas
  • Economic forest plantations certified to the Sustainable Forest Management Standard FSCTM
GRI 304: Biodiversity

*GRI Standards 2018