Corporate Governance

Striving for fair and transparent business governance and creating awareness among employees at all levels.

Target 2022 Performance
Receive an excellence rating (5 stars) from the assessment of the Corporate Governance Survey of Listed Companies (CGR Checklist) for the year 2022 High Rating (5 stars)
No Corruption 0 Case
Employees learn and pass Ethics e-Testing 100% 100%


Establishing Corporate Governance Policies and Guidelines to be consistent and aligned throughout the organization.
Reviewing the Corporate Governance Policies and Guidelines to be proper to the company's strategy and challenges posed by changes at least once a year.
Communicating and supporting employees and suppliers to understand, gain awareness, and seriously comply with the Corporate Governance Policies and Guidelines, SCG Packaging Code of Conduct, and Supplier Code of Conduct.

Practices on SCGP's Corporate Governance

Composition of the Board of Directors

SCGP's Board of Directors consists of 12 directors, of which 8 (or 66.6% of the total number of directors) are independent directors, with 11 non-executive directors, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of directors. The Chairman of the Board is an independent director and does not hold the position of Chief Executive Officer. In addition, the Board sets a condition that an independent director must not hold more than 0.5% of the total number of voting shares in SCGP, its parent company, a subsidiary, associate, major shareholder or controlling person, including shares held by related persons. This provision is more stringent than the criteria defined in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board.

The Proportion of The Directors

Female Directors 3 persons (25%)

Board Effectiveness

The number and name of other listed companies that SCGP directors are the board members are disclosed in the Annual Report.

SCGP’s Charter of the Board of Directors allows each director to be a board member of no more than 4 other listed companies. The number of directorships that each non-executive director holds not exceed 4 companies in 2022 as shown in the table below.

No. Name of non-executive director No. of other listed companies that the non-executive directors were the board member 2022 Annual Report (pages)
1. Mr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul 3 148
2. Police Colonel Thumnithi Wanichthanom 2 150
3. Mrs. Kaisri Nuengsigkapian 3 151
4. Mr. Chalee Chantanayingyong 1 152
5. Mrs. Pongpen Ruengvirayudh 1 153
6. Professor Kitipong Urapeepatanapong 1 154
7. Mr. Vanus Taepaisitphongse 1 155
8. Mr. Vibul Tuangsitthisombat 0 156
9. Mrs. Suphajee Suthumpun 2 157
10. Mr. Thiraphong Chansiri 4 158
11. Mr. Thammasak Sethaudom 1 149

One Share One Vote

Giving importance of equitable actions for shareholders, SCGP Board of Directors has developed one share one vote policy which has been approved by the Shareholders and incorporated in the registered Articles of Association of SCGP (Clause 26) that one share is entitled to one vote. All issued shares of SCGP are common shares. This designates that SCGP does not offer any golden share or dual class share to any shareholders or under any circumstance.

The major shareholders of SCGP are disclosed in the our website The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SCC), a company incorporated under Thai law and listed in the stock exchange of Thailand, holds 72.12% of SCGP total shares. SCC is not a government institution nor organization. Therefore, the government does not have the right to nominate Government Representatives to SCGP’s board. Moreover, in SCGP’s Articles of Association (Clause 27), it is stated that decisions on certain significant matters require no less than three quarters (75%) of the total number of votes of shareholders attending the meeting with the right to vote.

Fair Bid Treatment Provisions

In case of SCGP overtaken by other firms, SCGP which is under Thai Laws. There is minority shareholder protection mechanism called Mandatory Tender Offer (MTO). If 'investor' purchases SCGP shares reaches 25% of total shares, such investor must conduct mandatory tender offer (means that such investor must offer to buy all of SCGP shares from all shareholders at the same price).

Tax reporting and Effective Tax Rate

SCGP has established tax policy which has been overseen and approved by the board of directors. The tax policy demonstrates Philosophy of SCGP and its affiliates which is to conduct business with fairness, adhering to social and stakeholder's responsibility, all in accordance with its corporate governance policy and code of conduct. With respect to tax policy, SCGP ensures that its business is operated with transparency, fairness and fully comply with laws and regulations in all countries where SCGP operates

Supervision and Compliance with SCG Packaging's Business Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors has approved and enforced the SCGP Corporate Governance Handbook, which consists of structure and mechanisms for corporate governance and corporate governance policies and guidelines extending to the business ethics or SCGP’s Code of Conduct so that all full-time and special contract employees (SCGP does not employ part-time employees) have to comply. The Board of Directors supervises and acts as an excellent example for the management team. In addition, the Board of Directors assigned the Audit Committee and the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee to oversight the operations in accordance with the governance, risk management, and control principles. The diagram below shows the corporate governance structure of SCG Packaging.


SCG Packaging Public Company Limited commits to promote and support learning and understanding the governance and business ethics, through the Board of Directors and top executives as a role model to the employees at all levels (Tone from the top). Annually every July, the company requires an ethics e-testing to educate and test all employees on the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is regularly updated and inserted into all fundamentally courses of the company.

In addition, the company has prepared the Supplier Code of Conduct, which clearly defines business ethics guidelines to communicate with our business partners in order to ensure mutual understanding and use it as a norm for further business operations.


Besides formulating policies and informing on business ethics, the Internal Audit Office is responsible for assessing operational risks per the SCGP’s Code of Conduct in each operation process of the company and its subsidiaries to prioritize risks and conduct an annual audit.

Whistleblowing System

SCGP has developed a Whistleblowing System for employees and external stakeholders to report instances of whistleblowing and acts that do not comply with corporate governance, the Code of Conduct, Regulations, laws and the Anti-corruption Policy – this includes acts of corruption. The whistleblowing can be done via various channels, both verbally and written. Employees can report instances of this through the Intranet Web, with identifying their names or anonymous. External stakeholders can make reports in Thai or English through SCGP’s website ( at any time, with identifying their names. The Company has clearly defined procedures for receiving complaints, such as the confidential collection of facts, the appointment of a fact-inspecting working panel, the setup of an investigation committee, the consideration for approving a penalty, and the complaint resolution report as described in diagram of process for handling complaints below.

The whistleblowers can follow up on complaint result through the system. However, the facts from the investigation have been used to define further practice guidelines and preventive measures. This system helped promote more ethical operations and sustainable development. For the security of the system, two layers of passwords are adopted and the server which was separated from other applications were used to safeguard the security and prevent information leakage to related parties. The company also maintained confidentiality and ensures protection to whistleblowers as required by the SCGP’s Code of Conduct and the whistleblowing policy. In addition, the Audit Committee has reviewed the summary of investigations, penalties, and formulated preventive measures for re-occurred cases in the various systems as appropriate for business conditions.

Whistleblower Protection

The company has established measures to protect and provide fairness to those who give information or give clues about corruption or non-compliance with laws, rules, company regulations, SCG Packaging’s Code of Conduct and the Whistleblowing Policy. The details are as follows.

  1. Whistleblowers who are personnel of the Company may choose to hide their identities if they feel that they might be adversely affected. However, valid details or evidences must be provided to prove that the reported corruption or misconduct is not fraudulent. However, if the whistleblowers reveal their names, the Company will be able to notify them of progress and mitigate impact with greater ease and convenience.
  2. The Company considers all relevant information confidential and will reveal only as necessary, taking into consideration the safety and possible consequences to the whistleblowers, information sources, or parties related to the Company.
  3. If the whistleblowers feel that their safety is threatened or that they may be affected, they may request appropriate protection measures from the Company. The Company may prescribe protection measures without such a request if it appears that the whistleblower is likely to be affected or put in danger.
  4. SCG Packaging takes a fair and suitable approach without retaliation, harassment, or discrimination when engaging with the complainant/whistleblower/ informant who reports fraud, breaches of state laws or regulations, non-compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association or the SCG Packaging’s Code of Conduct, even in the event that they file a lawsuit, testify, give a testimony, or cooperate with a court or a government agency. Failure to comply with this approach is considered a breach of discipline and subject to disciplinary action as well as any applicable legal punishment.
  5. Those affected will receive compensation through an appropriate and fair process

Reporting on Violation

In the year 2022, there were 6 complaints received through the whistleblowing system from both external parties and employees regarding violations that resulted from non-compliance with laws, company regulations, anti-corruption policy, SCGP Core Values, SCGP’s Code of Conduct, or Supplier Code of Conduct. SCGP conducted investigations and completed 5 cases, with 1 case still under investigation. The complaints were divided into cases that were not in accordance with the complaint or had unclear evidence 4 cases, unethical 0 cases, 1 case of impropriate management. The Audit Committee reviewed the complaints and found that there was no issue that came under non-compliance with the Code of Conduct, the Anti-corruption Policy, the Antitrust Policy, the Human Rights Policy, conflict of interest, and insider trading. Damages were insignificant. (Annual report 2022, page 223 pdf page 225, topic “Review of the Complaints and Whistleblowing Investigation”)

Reporting on violation Number of complaints (cases)
2020 2021 2022
Total Complaints 11 8 6
Investigated and Completed Complaints 11
(including 1 complaint from the year 2019)
7 5
Complains Under Investigation 0 1 1
Classification of Complaints
1. Unethical or Improper Conduct
1.1 Conflict of Interest 0 1 0
1.2 Corruption 0 0 0
1.3 Violation of Human Rights 0 0 0
  • 1.3.1 Sexual Harassment
0 0 0
  • 1.3.2 Non-Sexual Harassment
0 0 0
  • 1.3.3 Discrimination
0 0 0
1.4 Antitrust 0 0 0
1.5 Use of Insider Information 0 0 0
1.6 Others 0 0 0
2. Non-compliance with Company Regulations 1 2 1
3. Not in accordance with complaints 10 4 4

Performance monitoring and reporting

Annually, the Internal Audit Office reports on ethical business performance through the Audit Committee, the Governance and Nomination Committee, and the Board of Directors. Other than that, the Audit Committee reviewed measures and established the guidelines to prevent corruption and fraud that could occur in different business processes and systems. It has also reviewed fraud investigations for compliance purposes and risk assessment to catch up with the ongoing business conditions (Annual report 2022, page 223 pdf page 225, topic “Review of the Complaints and Whistleblowing Investigation”). These will help promote ethical business operations and contribute to the sustainable development of business ethics.

Examples of corrective actions and re-occurrence prevention measures

Unethical Conducts cases

  • Communicate SCG Packing’s Code of Conduct in order to emphasis on involvement in SCGP transactions with related parties or SCGP employees that may cause conflicts of interest.

Improper Management cases

  • Prepared a clear and written operating manual to be used as a guideline. When there is any changes in the policies/operating procedures, amend the operating manual to be up-to-date and communicate to the operators in order to achieve mutual understanding and effective implementation.
  • Organized a preventive seminar on “Case Studies on Corruption and Non-Compliance with Laws, Regulations, Company Policies and Code of Conduct and Three Lines Model” for functions that at risk to offense, related to financial transactions or contacting with external parties, etc.
  • Modified the communication method of the SCG Packaging’s Code of Conduct to be in line with the epidemic situation of COVID-19, during the Work from Home period. The responsible person has prepared a VDO Clip and a comprehension test about SCG Packaging’s Code of Conduct for easy access.
  • Testing on knowledge and understanding about SCG Packaging’s Code of Conduct and Anti-corruption Policy via “Ethics e-Testing” Which all participants have to pass the test with a score of 100%

SCGP Cybersecurity Governance

SCGP has oversight of information technology governance and cybersecurity through management at three levels, the Governance level, Management level, and Operational level.

Governance level

  1. SCGP joins SCG (parent company) governance committee in 2 groups, as shown below, with the objective to determine the direction and implementation on Cyber security within SCGP.
    SCG Committees Role and Responsibilities
    a) Information Technology Governance Committee (ITG)

    SCGP representative is Technology and Digital Platform Director (Mr. Surasak Amawat)

    The ITG has the responsibility of establishing policies and regulations regarding the use of IT and communication technology of SCG (SCG e-Policy) in accordance with ISO 27001.
    b) SCG Cybersecurity Governance Committee

    SCGP representative is Information Technology Director (Mr. Thanachai Phuthanadee)

    The SCG Cybersecurity Governance Committee was appointed to oversee SCG’s information technology security practices, to ensure that they are aligned with business directions and can effectively prevent business operations from cyber threats.
  2. SCGP also appointed 2 committees in order to enhance information technology and cybersecurity governance, including data governance and data stewardship, especially for SCGP.
    SCGP Committees Role and Responsibilities
    a) Information Security Management System (ISMS) Management Committee

    Digital Platform Director (Mr. Surasak Amawat) is the Information Security Executive and Information Technology Director (Mr. Thanachai Phuthanadee) is the Information Security Management Representative (ISMR) of the Committee

    The ISMS was appointed to set direction and be a consultant for the implementation of the security management system ISO 27001. Consider the policy, objectives, and criteria for measuring, supporting necessary resources, command, and staying tuned for progress in operations.
    b) Data Governance Steering Committee

    Digital Platform Director (Mr. Surasak Amawat) is the Chairman and Information Technology Director (Mr. Thanachai Phuthanadee) is the Committee

    The Data Governance Steering Committee was appointed to control, support, and follow up to ensure for complying with the personal data protection laws. Promote, push, and raise awareness to enhance knowledge and understanding in matters of personal data protection to employees and related persons.

The ISMS Management Committee Organization is shown below.

Management Level

The Technology and Digital Platform Director is in charge of SCGP's Information Technology and Cybersecurity Governance, adopting policies and practices from the SCG by being a committee in the ITG and supervising it in the context of SCGP, in order to achieve the ISMS objectives of SCGP and Control and verify data management so that related parties can carry out data management in accordance with the policy. rules, regulations, or regulations. The management performance is reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer periodically.

Operational Level

The Information Technology Director is overseeing the Information Technology and Cybersecurity execution and operation by being a committee member of the SCG Cybersecurity Governance Committee and being an ISMR of the ISMS Management Committee and also be a committee of the Data Governance Steering Committee.

This ensures that SCGP has sequential and clear oversight of information technology and cybersecurity governance as shown in the IT Organization Structure below.

IT Organization Structure

IT External Verification

SCGP has been certified for Information Security Management System – ISO/ IEC 27001:2013 by BSI, for registered activities which are 1. Information security management system and supporting function for DATA CENTER operation, and 2. DATA CENTER operation including supporting system and facilities.

SCGP Contribution to Organization

As per the SCGP Code of Conduct , SCGP remains politically neutral and does not give financial support or support any particular political party, political group, or candidates of any kind at local, regional, or national levels or person with political influence. Moreover, as stated in our SCGP Anti-Corruption policy

(1) The Company shall maintain political neutrality and shall not act in the interest of or provide financial or other support to political parties, political coalitions, political figures, or political candidates, either directly or indirectly, either at the local, regional, or national levels.
(2) The Company’s personnel shall strictly comply with the SCGP’s Code of Conduct in relation to political action.

In year 2022, SCGP gives Zero financial or any kind of support to any political parties, political groups, or candidates at local, regional, or national levels or the person with political influence or Lobbying or interest representation or similar and other categories (such e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums).

We made 1,643,770 Thai Baht contributions to and spent for Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks) as shown below.

Contributions to & Spending for Paid Amount (THB)
2020 2021 2022
Lobbying, interest representation or similar 0 0 0
Local, regional or national political campaigns / organizations / candidates 0 0 0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks) 500,177.01 2,462,438.17 1,643,769.74
Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums) 0 0 0
Total contributions and other spending 500,177.01 2,462,438.17 1,643,769.74
Coverage (as % of revenue) 100 100 100

The first seven organizations contributed by SCGP are the following organizations: 1. Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE), 2. Global Compact Network Association of Thailand (GCNT) 3. Sustainable Packaging Coalition, 4. The Thai Chamber of Commerce and Related, 5. The Federation of Thailand Industries (F.T.I), 6. Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), and 7. Asian Corrugated Case Association (ACCA)

The first seven payments to professional groups and associations in 2022

Name of organization Type of Organization SCGP Position Paid Amount (THB)
1. Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) Non-profit organization (TIPMSE is an institute under the umbrella of the F.T.I.) Collaboration and elevation of a recycling-oriented society, include supporting pilot projects related to the circular economy principles. This will be resulting in GHG emission reduction. Moreover, SCGP employees are the committee members of the organization. 500,000.00
2. Global Compact Network Association of Thailand (GCNT) Non-profit organization (UNGC’s local network in Thailand) Collaboration for the voluntary initiative to align strategies and operations with UNGC 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment including Climate Resilience and Paris Agreement, and anti-corruption, and to take strategic action to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals 488,750.00
3. Sustainable Packaging Coalition Non-profit organization (a trademark project of GreenBlue Org.) Collaboration for actionable improvements to packaging systems and creating more sustainable packaging 217,945.62
4. The Chambers of Commerce and Related (included Spanish-Thai Chamber of Commerce & Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce) Trade Association Collaboration for enhancement competitiveness and drive the company to grow in the global market sustainably. 163,457.00
5. The Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I) Trade Association Collaboration & elevation for industrial development with digitalization, technology, and innovation toward sustainable business growth. 121,429.90
6. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) Non-profit organization Networking and collaboration for Publications and Standards, Methods, Technical Information, and Innovation. 82,799.28
7. Asian Corrugated Case Association (ACCA) Trade Association Collaboration & elevation for international cooperation concerning the exchange of experience and knowledge in corrugating technology including promoting the education and training of corrugated specialists. 69,387.94

SCGP participated in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) mid of 2022 and have been declared our intention to address the issue of “Preventing and solving problems caused by climate change.” We also joined the Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN) as a Climate Action Initiator member in 2022. The contribution to TCNN was made in early 2023 about 20,000 THB.

Largest Contributions & Expenditures

In 2022, SCGP made a large contribution to drive Sustainable Business growth following ESG and principles of Circular Economy. The 2 main contributions are Sustainable Business and Circular Economy. Both largest contributions are conforming to Paris Agreement and our Net Zero pathway.

Issue or Topic Corporate Position Description of Position / Engagement Total spend in FY 2022 (THB)
Collaboration for Sustainable Business Support SCGP is committed to conducting business for sustainable growth following the ESG framework. Engagement with our stakeholders through partnership and collaboration across sectors—government agencies, businesses, and civil societies is a key factor. SCGP has joined the Global Compact Network Association of Thailand (GCNT), The Chambers of Commerce and related, The Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I), the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), and the Asian Corrugated Case Association (ACCA). The main purposes are for collaboration and elevation for Sustainable Industry development with digitalization, technology, innovation acceleration, and enhancement of competitiveness of the industry including Climate Resilience and Paris Agreement Alignment. SCGP applies standards, tools, and knowledge of them as a model and shares that knowledge with our stakeholders. 925,824.12
Collaboration in Driving Circular Economy Support

SCGP adheres to creating innovative packaging for consumers and a sustainable World by following circular economy principles for reducing the probable impacts. To be able to do that we are seeking and being partners with external organizations, both public and private sectors. For the circular Economy, SCGP has joined the Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE), The Federation of Thai Industries for collaboration and elevation of a recycling-oriented society, including supporting pilot projects related to circular economy principles. Moreover, SCGP employees are the committee members of the organization. Also, SCGP has joined Sustainable Packaging Coalition for collaboration and enhancement for creating sustainable packaging. These collaborations will help in GHG emission reduction.


Please see Collaboration in Driving Sustainable Business and Circular Economy in 2022 Sustainability Report , topic “Collaborative Network Aspiring Towards Sustainability” pages 28-29 (PDF pages 30-31).

Succession Plan and Policy for CEO and Top Executives

Succession planning is an important tool to enable succession between each generation of executives to pass on visions, medium-term business development plans, and sustainable development goals. Factors to consider are as follows;

  1. Essential competency and skills for CEO and Top Executives. SCGP evaluated a high-performance employee group (or talent group) annually to see whether their characteristics, knowledge, and capabilities aligned with the Company’s future organizational capabilities, such as customer and consumer centricity, technology and digital adaptability, global mindset and perspective, etc. In addition, SCGP will support the talent group’s career path and employee development through different learning opportunities, both for professional development (Functional) and leadership development (Transformative Leadership). This will prepare employees to support SCGP’s business expansion, both domestically and overseas, and rise to the rank of future leaders.
  2. Criteria for CEO and Top Executives nomination. The Board of Directors determined an agenda for succession planning of the Chief Executive Officer and executives and its progress, at least once a year, with the Remuneration Committee’s recommendations, and offered comments in a sincere, careful, fair, and unbiased manner to increase the successor pool with individuals who possess appropriate potential, qualification and competency, domestically and internationally. At least three candidates shall be nominated for each position. In 2022, the Board of Directors considered and followed up on the progress of succession planning and executive development at the meetings twice, in August and November.
  3. CEO and Top Executives nomination process. To nominate top executives, the Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive Officer according to the Remuneration Committee’s recommendations. The Remuneration Committee is responsible for considering succession plans for the Chief Executive Officer and the SCGP’s top executives and proposing them to the Board of Directors for further consideration to maintain performance continuity. In this regard, the Chief Executive Officer has the power and duty to manage SCGP as assigned by the Board of Directors. This is stated in the Corporate Governance Policy section (in the Scope of Duties and Responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer topic) of this report, which is reviewed annually.

In addition, SCGP annually formulated individual development plans for the Chief Executive Officer and executives. The plans are designed for different time periods, 1-3 years and 4-5 years. They will serve as guidelines for self-development and tools for improving essential business-related skills for enterprise leaders, such as strategic thinking, networking, leadership competency, talent competency, and the leadership pipeline. SCGP also established relocation plans for capability improvement on a wider scale to prepare its successors. The executive development plans included supporting the executives to attend the diverse corporate management programs, such as the Advanced Management Program (AMP), provided by the top global institutes, namely Harvard Business School, Stanford University, London Business School, IMD Business School, INSEAD, etc. The CEO will propose individual development plans to the Remuneration Committee to consider, approve, and report to the Board of Directors.

Performance Assessment and Remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and Top Executives

The Board of Directors tracks and assesses the performance of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Top Executives annually on a prudent and fair basis, which in turn determines the remuneration. Assessment processes and remuneration must be considered and approved by the Remuneration Committee, and then proposed to the Board of Directors for further consideration and final approval. The assessment consists of factors as follows:

  1. Performance: Consider the Company’s growth in terms of absolute and relative performance, compare the latest year’s performance with the goal, and compare the Company’s performance with leading companies’ in the same industry e.g. % EBITDA margin compared with the peers, % Profit margin compared with the peers.
  2. Key Performance Index (KPI): Consider four main criteria as per the Balanced Scorecard principle. This covers internal and external factors which consist of
    1) Financial & Growth such as Revenue growth target, EBITDA, Return on Invested Capital (ROIC),
    2) Customers & Stakeholders such as Percentage of Regional Brand Perception, Customer Experience Score
    3) Internal Business Processes such as Cost Saving, Revenue from High Value Added Products and Services and
    4) ESG & People such as Percentage of Employee Engagement, Percentage of GHG reduction, Percentage of water withdrawal reduction, LTIFR etc.

Furthermore, there is an additional assessment criteria for CEO which is CEO Survey. The consideration consists of three main criteria in line with the leadership profile, which comprises Engagement, Innovation & Strategy, and Excellence. In 2022, another criterion was added, namely Establishing and Sharing a vision for the SCG ESG pathway through ESG 4 Plus both within SCG and External.

SCGP budgets its remuneration in accordance with its short-term and long-term operating results. In the short term, SCGP considers annual operating results, such as revenues from sales, net profit, and EBITDA. In the medium-long term, SCGP takes into account the performance of its five-year plans, such as business expansion, profit growth, market shares, overall sustainable development performance, and ongoing operational enhancement.

SCGP Taxes to Government and Local Government Authorities 2021-2022
SCGP – Board Independence & Industry Experience 2023
SCGP – CEO & Executive Compensation Management
SCGP Anti-corruption Certificate from Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC)